Southside Mountain Bike Loop Trail

This is the longest trail in the Park and can be accessed either by crossing the Advanced America Bridge on the Palmetto Trail or from the Southside Parking lot at the end of Groce Road. It offers access to many other mountain bike and hiking trails in this extensive trail system totaling over 16 miles. You’ll travel through rolling terrain, across hills, and along creeksides. In the lower elevations, the trail winds along Fairforest Creek and you’ll see huge hardwoods growing in the moist environment. As you gain elevation look for massive white oaks throughout the forest.

Points of Interest on this Trail:
Southside Mountain Bike Trail System: Bedrock Crossing

The bedrock of schists and gneiss protrudes throughout the park, and notably here at the crossing of an unnamed tributary to the Fairforest Creek. Take care crossing as the rocks may be slick.
Southside Mountain Bike Trail System: Oeland Cemetery

This one is a little hard to spot in the woods. Look for the iron fence that surrounds it. It is one of 7 cemeteries that can be found on the park. The families buried here lived in and around the area of the park from late 1700’s until the 1900’s. Some of the stones in this cemetery date back to the early 1800’s.
Southside Mountain Bike Trail System: Deep Gully

Hold on through this one’s steep drop. These gullies have been formed by many years of erosion, some of which is natural and some is man-made. Farmers’ poor irrigation methods contributed to the erosion issues.
Southside Mountain Bike Trail System: Southside Bridge

One of the many bridges that have been put in over the years by park staff with the help of volunteers. Volunteers play a tremendous part in making Croft State Park a better place to visit. To learn about volunteer opportunities, please speak with a Park Ranger.
Southside Mountain Bike Trail System: REI Bridge

This pole bridge is the only one of its kind in the park. It was made possible by a Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI) grant to the Friends of Croft, a non-profit group dedicated to extending a helping hand to meet the growing needs of the Park. If you are interested in volunteering, please speak with a Park Ranger.
Southside Mountain Bike Trail System: Antioch Cemetery

This cemetery dates back to around 1826. Look for the historic headstones and the remains of the church that once stood in here. These remains include the steps and foundation of the Antioch Methodist Church. The church relocated and is now the Golightly Methodist Church on Highway 56 south of the Park entrance.