Foster Mill Loop

From the stable area, take the fourth trailhead off the gravel road for the Foster Mill Trail. Much of it travels along an old road bed. It is the widest trail in the Park with portions going from single wide to double wide, making it perfect for both equestrian and hiking beginners. You will pass through some of the best historical areas in the Park, where you will see old trestle bridges as well as cemetery sites. This trail will take you along ridges, crossover beautiful Kelsey Creek and take you right along the shore of Lake Craig.

Points of Interest on this Trail:
Foster Mill Loop: Foster Cemetery

Dates back to the late 1800’s and contains some of the biggest headstones found in the park. This cemetery is unique because of the Woodmen of the World (WOW) organization connection. From 1890 to 1900, WOW’s life insurance policies had a proviso that provided for the grave markers, free of charge for members. By the mid-1920’s, the organization had discontinued the grave marker benefit due to the increased cost of the stones. This cemetery is well maintained and still in use. It is one of 7 cemeteries in the park.
Foster Mill Loop: Trail Bridge

This bridge dates back to 1906 and was used for traveling to the Whitestone Hotel and Springs. Today is used by equestrian riders and hikers to cross Kelsey Creek as it exits the Lake Craig dam just before it flows into Fairforest Creek. But history in this spot dates much further back. There is an education sign here as part of, which explores the Revolutionary War heritage in the area. The confluence of Kelsey and Fairforest Creeks is where the 1780 Battle of Kelsey Creek was fought. You’ll learn more about Colonel John Thomas and our fight for independence.
Foster Mill Loop: Lake Craig

This is a 150 acre man-made lake fed by Kelsey Creek. Named for Tom Moore Craig, a civilian who ran the bank at Croft during its time as a military camp and led the movement to have the federal government give this land to the state for a park. Canoe, kayak, and boat rentals are available or bring your own. A boat ramp and campgrounds are available.