Rocky Ridge/Whitestone Springs

This trail takes you through a variety of habitats and is used for part of the Camp Croft Half Marathon route. Rocky Ridge bears off of Foster Mill just past the Kelsey Creek Bridge crossing. It offers several scenic passages through hardwood forest along with views of rollings hills and creeks. Whitestone Springs Spur Trail is a one way route to the historic location of Whitestone Springs. Here you’ll find evidence of the bottling business and the foundation of the 4 story hotel from the late 1800’s. Plus you can have a cool drink from the spring!

Points of Interest on this Trail:
Rocky Ridge/Whitestone Springs: Bridge

This bridges was installed by park staff with assistance from the Pisgah Trailblazers. It provides a sustainable crossing over a small creek for equestrian riders and foot traffic. Here you cross the creek and head back downstream, contouring along the ridgeline and heading deeper into the woods.
Rocky Ridge/Whitestone Springs: Whitestone Springs

This spring was known as White Stone Lithia Springs and was the foundation of a booming water bottling company in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s which shipped water nationwide. Built around the spring was a four story hotel, swimming area, bowling alley, and train service from here to Whitestone, SC. You can still sample the mineral water coming out of the spring. The trail ends here, so you’ll need to turn around to finish your hike.